PC Food Medical Grade Granules by SABIC Lexan

PC Food Medical Grade Granules by SABIC Lexan

PC food medical grade granules of SABIC and LEXAN are drawing attention of increasing numbers of manufacturers of healthcare products, medical equipment and accessories. The bio-compatible in compliance with ISO10993 and USP class VI, PC medical grade resins have all the health-friendly requirements to meet the international healthcare norms framed for multiple medical domains like cardiovascular, drug delivery, blood care, fluid delivery, IV therapy, and surgical instruments, etc.

PC granules clear medical grade

LEXAN 144R/111 (Food grade) and SABIC PC1004R (Food grade)LEXAN™ 144R/111 are being used in other than medical industries also. These are finding increasing applications in various industries manufacturing coffee machines, food mixers, washing machines, steam iron, blood reservoirs, water tank, blood filters, etc. LEXAN™ HPS7-1125 is the most used grade for manufacturing medical devices and pharmaceutical applications.

The key properties like low- high viscosity, high impact strength, v2 fr - v0 fr (flame retardant), flow impact balance, optical clarity, transparency, high transmission, color stability, etc make PC granules clear medical grade an ideal choice for injection moulding, extrusion, and blow moulding. The healthcare-grade polycarbonate products are subjected to specific chemical formula and management of change process.

The top in demand PC food medical grade granules for mold release applications  are- LEXAN™ HP1R resin with MVR of 23, LEXAN HP1REU with an MVR of 26, LEXAN HP2 with MVR of 16, LEXAN HP2NR medium flow polycarbonate with MVR of 16, etc. Only the top performing authorized distributors and suppliers of SABIC products have capabilities to meet the diverse demands for PC food medical grade granules; therefore choose the best supplier to get the virgin quality PC medical grade resins with particular processing properties.


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