Exploring Polycarbonate (PC) Granules: High-Performance Resins for Diverse Applications

At Kapoor Sales Corporation, As the best dealer of PC food grade granules , our extensive selection includes both imported and locally produced medical and healthcare-grade PC granules. LEXAN Healthcare/Food Grade Granules Our range includes LEXAN healthcare/food grade granules. These are bio-compatible and rigorously assessed according to ISO10993 and USP class VI standards. These PC food grade resins meet stringent requirements for healthcare applications such as drug delivery, cardiovascular instruments, surgical tools, fluid delivery, and IV therapy. PC Food & Medical Grades Granules We offer versatile products like LEXAN 144R/111, SABIC PC1004R, and LEXAN HPS7-1H1125, widely used in the healthcare industry and beyond. Our Lexan PC virgin granules are also applied in various industries, including manufacturing coffee machines, washing machines, food mixers, steam irons, water tanks, blood reservoirs, and blood filters. As a leading dealer of PC medical grade granules...